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Slovakia Vs Slovenia

Slovakia vs. Slovenia


Where are they located

Slovakia and Slovenia are two neighboring countries in Central Europe. Slovakia is located to the north of Slovenia, and it borders Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland. Slovenia is located to the south of Slovakia, and it borders Austria, Croatia, Hungary, and Italy.

Both capital cities are small

The capital city of Slovakia is Bratislava, and the capital city of Slovenia is Ljubljana. Both Bratislava and Ljubljana are small cities, with populations of around 500,000 people.

Getting them confused can be a headache

Because Slovakia and Slovenia are so close to each other, and because their names are so similar, it can be easy to get them confused. However, there are a few key differences between the two countries that can help you to tell them apart.


Slovakia and Slovenia are two very different countries, despite their close proximity and similar names. While Slovakia is a landlocked country in Central Europe, Slovenia is a coastal country in Southern Europe. Additionally, Slovakia's capital city is Bratislava, while Slovenia's capital city is Ljubljana. By understanding these key differences, you can avoid getting Slovakia and Slovenia confused in the future.
